
PS:Vocals benötigt?

Ob Background, Chöre, Leadstimme:24h Lieferservice, wenn´s mal wirklich brennt :-)


Hörbeispiele in verschiedenen Genres

Hard to love (Pop/House)
  1. 1. Hard to love (Pop/House)
  2. 2. Tonight (Pop/Rock)
  3. 3. Mad World (Chillout Version)
  4. 4. Queen of Spring (Pop/Rock)
  5. 5. Without You (Rock)
Hard to love (Pop/House) // Songwriting
  1. Hard to love (Pop/House) // Songwriting
  2. Tonight (Pop/Rock) // Songwriting
  3. Mad World (Chillout Version) // Songwriting
  4. Queen of Spring (Pop/Rock) // Songwriting
  5. Without You (Rock) // Songwriting